HR Consulting
HR Consulting
You creating a new business
in France
Do you need a local HR expert to set up French administrative rules?
a successful business ?
To manage your staff ?
We assist you with HR processes, policies and practices, in compliance with French regulations and the corporate strategy.

You are going through
a transition
Due Diligence, Merge&Acquisition ?
Hyper growth ? Internationalization ?
Restructuring? Transformation ?
Do you need to restructure, evolve and communicate this change?
We assist you strategically with all steps in that transformation from performing audits and make recommendations to implementing the necessary changes.
Based on an analysis of your needs, we offer a flexible formula tailored to your objectives.

You outsource
HR services
You already have an entity in France, but you need an HR expert to manage your human resources for a few days a month? Are you outsourcing your HR function?
We can support you over the long term, ensuring that your operating methods comply with French legislation and best HR practices.